Sunday, December 05, 2004

Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 11:38:11 -0700
Subject: Hippos (KMM14247581V13668L0KM)
From: "Disney Guest Mail"

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for waiting so patiently while we research your request.

Unfortunately, because of overriding company access policies this is not something we will be able to participate in.

At this time we can not have non-Disney cast members in specific back stage areas for safety reasons, not only the individuals safety but also for the safety and health of our animals. Also at this time we do not permit non-Disney photographers to photograph anywhere that is not considered an "on" stage location.

Sarah, the Director of the Animal Operations team at the Animal Kingdom as well as the entire husbandry staff wanted me to thank you for your expressed interest in our Hippos, but at this time we are not going to be able participate in your project.

If you have questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us.

Please include your full name, E-Mail address, and reservation number if applicable on all correspondence.

Thank you!


Charlene Hobot

WDW Online Communications


To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Sarah Galbraith and I am currently working for a private porcelain collector and avid hippopotamus lover who has commissioned the Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Company to create a unique dinner service with representations of zoo hippopotami. Since February 2004 I have been traveling around the world photographing hippos in zoos to be used for the porcelain service. This comprehensive project will be completed in 2007 will be internationally exhibited.

We hope to represent your hippos in the service. I will be arriving in
Orlando on the 1st of December and will be in the area until the morning of the 6th of December. I would like to arrange a meeting with the hippo keeper during that time to learn about your hippos (their names and ages) and photograph each of them. According to my notes, you have quite a large number of hippos at your zoo so your assistance will ensure that they secure a place in the collection.

I look forward to your response:

Thank you,

Sarah Galbraith